1. Construction / installation Insurance
Subjects covered:
– The works of construction, installation: housing, working offices, factories, roads, bridges, ports, dams and machinery and equipment; structures, industrial plants, systems of lines and equipment.
– The construction / installation projects
BSH offers insurance for all risks occurring during the construction and installation of works and projects, excluding:
– War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether declared war or not declare war), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, riot, strike, lockouts, mass violence, military act or act of usurpation force, act of hostile groups and people – representing or related to political organizations, forfeiture, confiscation or destruction under the order of the existing government (de jure or de facto) or under the order of any authorities;
– Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination
– An intentional act or willful negligence of the Insured or their representatives
– Stop the work regardless of in whole or in part
2. Contractor’s machinery and equipment insurance
Subjects covered:
The machinery and equipment used for the process of construction and installations in the process of operation, waiting for work or maintenance and not limited to the different construction works.
BSH offers insurance for all the risks occurring to machinery used for construction, except for the risks specified in BSH’s rules of Contractor’s machinery and equipment insurance
3. Insurance for electronic devices
Subjects covered:
The types of electronic devices used in the fields such as radio, television, healthcare, information technology, cinematography, aviation, engineering science, laboratory …
BSH insures all kinds of electronic devices of the insured, excluding:
a)War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities,
b) Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination
– An intentional act or willful negligence of the Insured or their representatives.
4. Insurance for completed civil works
Subjects covered:
– Houses, schools, hospitals, offices, theaters, cinemas, and other cultural works …
– Plants and factories.
– Roads (both railways and land roads) and airports.
– Bridges, dams, water supply and drainage works, canals, ports …
BSH offers insurance for risks for completed civil works, including:
– Fire, lightning, explosion, collision of vehicles on land, under water;
– Collision of the aircraft or air navigation facilities or equipment on it;
– Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis;
– Thunderstorms and storms (the movement of wind at speeds from 8 or higher grade under the Beaufort scale);
– Floods, impacts from waves or water;
– Soil collapse, landslides, rock slide or other soil movements;
– Frosts, avalanches, ice melts. The unorganized destruction .